Download SD Maid (PRO) System Cleaning Tool v3.1.2.0 APK
Download SD Maid (PRO) System Cleaning Tool v3.1.2.0 APK Hello friends meet again at my admin RTSWAN blog, here I just want to share about Download SD Maid (PRO) System Cleaning Tool v3.1.2.0 APK, this blog is the place to download free android apps, free android apk download area, and also places apk android application download full version. Actually I always wanted to have a blog download like this, but now make a blog is accomplished download for android. Hopefully this blog visitors feel at home with my little blog is, and do not forget the URL, if you can press CTRL + D to bookmark my blog this. Thank you've visited this Blog and I hope this android application may be useful for all of you :)
Why not get a maid to clean it all up? SD maid will help you keep your device neat, clean and tidy :-)! Give it a try, you won’t find a more thorough cleaning app! Choose a tab, press check and then either click a single item to delete or press the clean all button. It’s just that easy.
There are various features available:
* Explorer is a full fledged filemanager, use it to crawl through your Androids files.
* You can use the Searcher if you know what file you are looking for.
* The CorpseFinder searches your device for dormant directories+files and compares those to the list of installed applications.
* AppControl lets you freeze,reset and remove applications (even system apps).
* The SystemCleaner scans your device and filters which directories contain unnecessary files. You an even create your own filters!
* You can optimize and shrink bloated databases to speed up access and free space.
* View your biggest files and find out what is hogging all the space.
* Find files that have been modified in the last X minutes.
And more…

What’s New
v3.1.1.4 (356)
– Improved CorpseFinder scan speed & progress feedback
– Updated Clutter & HiddenCache DB
– Fixed a bug on Lollipop when toggling certain autostarts that lead to wrong components being disabled (details&fix: http://goo.gl/jVel8d )
– Improved DALVIK/ART detection
– Added support for Lollipop VectorDrawable icons
– Fixed exclusion list not refreshing
Changelog: http://goo.gl/QQ5guU
SD Maid and I wish you all happy holidays!
Size: 2.4 MB
Required: Android 2.1 and up

Download SD Maid (PRO) System Cleaning Tool v3.1.2.0 APK
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