Foxit PhantomPDF Business Terbaru Full Version
Foxit PhantomPDF Business Full Version adalah software untuk mengolah file PDF. Fungsi yang di desain sama seperti Adobe Acrobat pro yakni melihat dan Mengolah file Pdf dengan sangat baik. Keuntungan dari software ini adalah hanya berkapasitas kecil di banding dengan RIVAL nya ADOBE ACROBAT. Tidak luput juga Fiture Editing hasil Scan ( OCR ) support di versi ini. Nah bagaimana dengan kita. Buat yang sering mengolah file PDF tentu sangat membutuhkan software seperti ini dan tinggal bagaimana dengan kita yang masih mengolah dengan cara mengconvert.
Fiture :
- Automatically reflows and reformats text in the text box as you edit it. Just add or delete content without worrying about the layout.
- Join or split text blocks to connect text for more powerful editing. Move and resize text blocks for more compelling layout.
- Edit the font of PDF text by changing type, style, size, color, and effect. Align text left, center, or right, while choosing from multiple line spacing options.
- Automatically changes the color of edited text, making it easy for others to review and approve changes. This option can be turned on and off by the user.
- Spell checks the selected text block or the complete PDF document.
- Increase and decrease the indent of paragraphs.
- Improved integration of image editing capabilities.
- Align objects on the left, middle, or center. Distribute objects horizontally or vertically. Rotate, flip, or shear objects.
- Easier insertion of headers, footers, and custom page numbers.
- Automatic web link creation from URLs.
Langkah Install dan Aktivasi :
- Install Program, setelah selesai, silahkan Exit
- Buka Folder Patch
- Copy Patch nya dan paste ke :
C:\Program Files\FoxitPhantomPDF Bussines - Klik kanan Patch, pilih Run as Administrator
- Klik tombol patch
- Selesai With Full version
- Berikan firewall untuk menghindari blacklist
Link Download :
- Download Foxit PhantomPDF Business - (319 MB)
- Password if need : | Tested on Windows 8.1 Single Language 64 Bit
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Foxit PhantomPDF Business Terbaru Full Version
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