Cara Menggunakan VPN Untuk iPad & iPhone
Our Free PPTP VPN service is 100% compatible with Apple iPhone 4, iPad 2 and iPod Touch's built-in VPN client!
It's very easy to configure our SUPERFREEVPN.COM's VPN account in Apple's mobile device and portable Tablet - including the latest best selling iPhone 4 and WiFi/3G iPad! here are the instructions:- Press home button to bring the default home page back to iPhone/iPad screen;
- Through the touchscreen, using finger to press "Settings" icon in the home screen, then press General - Network - VPN - Add VPN Configuration... to pop up the configuration window as below:
- Fill each field as:
Descriiption: SuperFreeVPN.COM
Server: superfreevpn.com
Account: free
Password: Currently the latest 4 digits password for the free PPTP account is:
Now save the settings;
- Change the VPN switch button from OFF to ON position, that's all! Enjoy the high secure and reliable VPN connection for your best than ever Apple touchscreen gadgets for FREE!

Cara Menggunakan VPN Untuk iPad & iPhone
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