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AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC2

AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC2
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AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC2

AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC 2 merupakan software yang bisa anda gunakan untuk memainkan music pada PC anda, dengan interfaace yang menarik dan fitur yang cukup lengkap. Saya rasa software ini merupakan salah satu Audio Player terbaik yang ada saat ini. Selain sebagai player, AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC 2 juga bisa anda gunakan untuk mengconvert audio dan juga merekam audio, fitur ini merupakan fitur yang ada pada versi terbaru AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC 2 ini.

Change Log - AIMP v4.00
  1. Audio Converter: an ability to switch off grouping
  2. Common: CUE parser - support for multiple values fields
  3. Tag Editor: Added an ability to store custom values to list of the "Genre" edit field
  4. Fixed: Playlists Manager - an error occurs when click on delete button that available if the "remove playlist when closing tab" options is switched on
  5. Fixed: Skin Engine - a space character has been added to text box when focusing it via TAB key
  6. Fixed: Skin Engine - backward navigation via Shift+Tab key does not work
  7. Fixed: Skin Engine - options that allows to temporary switch off transparency of window conflicts with desktop toolbar mode
  8. Fixed: Skin Engine - an error occurs when closing the application, if mouse cursor is located under docked child window
  9. Fixed: Skin Engine - TASEPanel element - context menu does not work
  10. Fixed: Skin Engine - TASEVisualDisplay element - hit-test mask ignored if visualization is active
  11. Fixed: Music Library - an error occurs when trying to set mark to few files
  12. Fixed: Music Library - an incorrect drive for tracks is displayed in some cases
  13. Fixed: Plugins - few small bugs in new version of API
  14. Small bugs were fixed
AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC2

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AIMP 4.00 Build 1670 RC2

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