Musixmatch Music and Lyrics APK
Download Musixmatch Music and Lyrics APK v 4.4.4 - Enjoy your music with lyrics, in perfect sync with the music! Use the equalizer for a better sound or improve your discography’s cover arts by adding new ones. Works as a scrobbler for almost every other music and radio player. It even supports ALAC/FLAC.
Key features
★ Support to Android Wear (even scrobbling from Google Play Music and Spotify)
★ NEW: complete UI overhaul, with smooth transitions and slick animations
★ Full Spotify, Deezer, rdio, Rhapshody, Play Music support with FloatingLyrics™
★ NEW: use FloatingLyrics™ and enjoy lyrics everywhere
★ NEW: cast music and lyrics to your TV with Chromecast and LG Smart TVs
Link Download : Zippyshare

Musixmatch Music and Lyrics APK
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